Choosing your benefits

There are lots of factors to consider when you’re choosing your benefit plan, such as your medical and financial needs, family status, and the anticipated healthcare needs for you and your dependants. That can be challenging!

It’s important to take the time to assess the options available to you so you can decide what coverage you need – and what you don’t. Keep in mind that once you choose a plan, that’s the coverage you’ll keep until the next enrollment period, unless you experience a life event.

See the Election guide to get some tips and scenarios to help you choose the option that’s best for you and your family.

Choosing optional benefits

Additional optional benefits available are designed to offer you and your family additional financial protection if you suffer a serious injury because of an accident or are diagnosed with a critical illness, or in the event of your death or the death of a family member.

You can choose to purchase:

  • Optional Life – for yourself, spouse, child(ren)
  • Optional AD&D – for yourself, spouse, child(ren)
  • Optional Critical Illness – for yourself and/or spouse

You can learn more about these optional benefits in the detailed Benefits Guide, or in the AD&D brochure (see related resources).

For any amount of life insurance you purchase for yourself or your spouse, you will be required to submit proof of good health (also called Evidence of Insurability) before the coverage will be approved. EOI is not required for child life insurance.