Fall is near!
I really hope you enjoyed your summer.
As you know, it has been an eventful summer season as we transitioned to Canada Life. I want to thank you for coming along on this journey. In the past few months, more than 250 of you have joined a member information session, and more than 350 treasurers were trained on the new processes to follow.
And, we have had 1,103 unique visits to our Canada Life Welcome site! If you haven’t already, take a look at https://www.welcome.canadalife.com/cbbenefits and sign up for a Member Guide experience. You’ll be in great company, and together with another 45 of you who have already done so!
Our investment in our members’ experience is beginning to pay off. With the move to Canada Life, both your benefit and pension information is now conveniently located in one member portal. Simply log in to My Canada Life to gain access to your own personal dashboard that includes the details to help you make the most informed decisions about your health and financial wellbeing.
I continue to be amazed by your engagement with our program. The number of unique visitors to the CBBenefits website is up 108% from last year, and it is likely that most of you have now visited our website at least once.
We hope this trend continues! We are so excited to introduce you to our newly redesigned website and hope you not only enjoy the new experience but help us continue to enhance it to meet your needs. To that end, we would love to hear from you! Just contact Rob Jackett at 905-821-5413 or Loyda Sinanan at 905-821-5407 or email us at info@cbbenefits.ca.
In our next blog we will continue our discussion about some key things to consider as you retire, with a Part II focused on government income sources of CPP and OAS.